I promissed you a post about the last Handmade I were so here I am. I have to say it was the first fair I participated outdoor and I like it. The weather was good,warm, almost hot I should say , only the second day we had some wind blowing away our handmade products...
V-am promis un post despre ultimul Targ handmade la care am participat asa ca iata-ma. Trebuie sa spun ca a fost primul targ exterior la care am participat si mi-a placut. Vremea a fost buna, caldut, chiar cald as putea spune, doar in cea de-a doua zi a batut putin vantul...
My dolls are allways making waves through the visitors and I sold Jane, you can see her in this post. I also sold the Vintage pillow case you can see here, and some brand new pillows that I haven't got the time to take pictures. I was told to do blond dolls so for the next time i'll prepare some.
Papusile mele intotdeauna fac valuri printre visitatori si am vandut-o pe Jane , pe care o puteti vedea in aceasta postare. Am vandut si fata de perna Vintage pe care o puteti vedea aici, si unele perne noi noute pe care nu am avut timp sa le fotografiez. Mi s-a spus sa fac si papusi blonde asadar voi pregati cateva pentru data viitoare.
I made some new models of bags : shopping bags, clutches, baby purses and messenger bags. Well, I still have to exercise on that, but for the beggining it's just fine. And I was asked about baby dresses and hats. It's on my to do list !! To be sincere, it was one of the things I wanted to do but I didn't had time...
Am facut cateva noi modele de genti : genti de cumparaturi, plicuri, gentute de copilasi si genti de postas. Ei bine, inca mai trebuie sa exersez la capitolul acesta, dar pentru inceput este multumitor. Si am fost intrebata de rochite de copilasi si palariute. Sunt pe lista mea de lucruri de facut !! Sa fiu sincera, era unul dintre lucrurile pe care vroiam sa le fac dar nu am mai avut timp..
For the next fair I'll have to find a new way to expose my products because a table and a vertical metal stand is not enough for me. And the space we get is only 1.50 mt long. As you can see, my products aren't heavy, but they are voluminous and as much I'd like to give my table an artistic arrangement, it allways seams too crowded..
Pentru urmatorul targ va trebui sa gasesc o noua modalitate de a expune produsee pentru ca o masa si un stand vertical nu sunt suficiente pentru mine. Si spatiul pe care il avem la dispozitie este lung de doar 1.50 mt . Asa cum puteti vedea, produsele mele nu sunt grele, dar sunt voluminoase si oricat as incerca sa ofer mesei mele un aranjament artistc, intotdeauna arata prea aglomerata..
Have you any suggestions of how could I organise my table? What kind of arrangement do those of you that participate to handmande fairs ?
Aveti sugestii despre cum as putea sa organizez masa ? Ce fel de aranjamente folositi voi cei care participati la targuri handmade ?
It's all for today, I running to do some Easter preparations. You know, Sunday is Easter here in Romania, for orthodox christians, so HAPPY EASTER YOU ALL !!!!!
Cam atat pentru astazi, fug sa mai fac unele pregatiri pentru Paste. Stiti, Duminica este Pastele aici in Romania, pentru crestinii ortodocsi, asa ca PASTE FERICIT TUTUROR !!!!!!
I'm joining the party : Ma alatur petrecerii :
When I did the shows, I would use boxes of different sizes that were covered with cloth, lay down one table cloth put boxes around then cover with another cloth. The boxes are used for height and allows for different levels of items, it is all in the presentation I believe. Glad you had a great day.
RăspundețiȘtergerelove your adorable dollies and creations!
RăspundețiȘtergereHy Debra! Thank you very much for you compliments. Hugs, Cristina
ȘtergereCristina, I thought your booth looks so colorful and attractive. If you need more space try going upwards. See if you can find an old ladder or piece of lattice (maybe a trellis) that you can attach things to. Sometimes having things up draws ones attention. Love your sweet dollies! Thanks for sharing with SYC.