polka dot

duminică, 25 august 2013

Wedding in Maramureş

Hy friends! Sorry for not posting nothing for so long, but I have some days off and right now I'm in Maramureş( North of Romania) for my cousin's wedding. Actualy right now I am between two dances...
I'll come back soon with pictures.

Bună prieteni! Scuze că nu am mai postat nimic de multă vreme ,dar am câteva zile de concediu şi chiar acum ma aflu la nunta verisorului meu,în Maramureş. De fapt,chiar în momentul acesta sunt într-o pauză între două jocuri populare...
Mă voi întoarce incurand cu fotografii.

Hugs, Cristina

duminică, 11 august 2013

Handmade Fair

In the hotest days of the summer, we are under the tent ,having a wonderful time on St. Mary's Handmade Fair.It would be so nice of you to stop by and say hy.

În cele mai toride zile de vară, noi suntem sub corturi la Târgul Handmade de Sf. Maria. Ar fi foarte drăguţ din partea voastră să treceţi pe la noi.

Hugs, Cristina

luni, 5 august 2013

Saddest day...

My seven year old pekingese dog is ill. My baby Bella has severe lack of calcium and a month a go she gave birth to three puppies . I didn't knew that it was supposed to gave her vitamins and calcium and she poor  little thing was unable to tell me that she needed help. From yesterday she can't walk anymore with her hind legs and today in the morning we went to the vet. He gave me too little hope and too many pills and for at least 7 days my sweetheart has to do an intensive treatment at home and daily visit and injections to the vet. After this week, the doctor could say to me if there is any hope for my child .... 

My baby was a Christmas gift I received in 2006. She was only two months old and I gaved her all my love and since then she is my soul. For the first two years she stayed with me, just two of us . I spoilled her so much that even if I had to gave her to my parents because of my job and because they have a yard where she can play, she never stopped loving me the way I love her. When I am visiting her at my parents, from the moment she sees me, she jumps in my arms and never let go.

So today when I heard that she has so many little hope to live, I literally fainted. I woke up on the floor with the nurses gathered by my side and my baby in my arms. My tears are falling while I'm writting this and I am begging my God and if there is any dog's God I'm begging Him too to not taking away my child. I know there are so many people who need God's attention maybe more than me and my dog, but I know He is good enough for all.

vineri, 2 august 2013

Vintage dresses

Yesterday evening, while hanging on the internet, I found a link from where you can buy vintage dresses...from 20's to 70's dresses. And it has coktail dresses, special occasion dresses, summer dresses and even wedding dresses and accesories.You can visit the store here, is called Blue Velvet Vintage and has authentic vintage clothing and new made to look vintage, as well. As for me, the 50's seames to be my favorites.

Aseara, in timp ce ma "plimbam" pe internet, am gasit un site de unde poti cumpara rochii vintage...din anii 20 pana in anii 70. Si are rochii de coktail, rochii de ocazie, rochii de vara si chiar si rochii de mireasa si accesorii. Puteti vizita magazinul aici, se numeste Blue Vlevet Vintage si are atat rochii vintage autentice cat si noi realizate care sa para vintage de asemenea. In ceea ce ma priveste, anii 50 par sa fie favoritii.

There is even the Titanic film dress
Este chiar si rochia din filmul Titanic

And my most favourite dress ever..

1950s Style Black and White Polka Dot Swing Dress

Si rochia mea preferata..

What do you think? You would like wearing one of this dresses?
Voi ce credeti? V-ar placea sa purtati una dintre aceste rochii?

Hugs, Cristina

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