Sometimes you feel up and sometimes you feel I feel right now and I think it would be much better for me if I'd just find my words to talk about my state os spirit. Well, don't take me for serious. Normally the blog is a place to talk about lovelly feelings and beautifull things...such as my newest pillow "Sweet Vintage"
Uneori te simti sus iar alteori te simti jos..asa cum ma simt eu acum si cred ca mi-ar face mult bine daca as gasi cuvintele potrivite sa vorbesc despre starea mea de spirit. Ei bine, nu ma luati in serios. In mod normal blogul este locul unde vorbim despre sentimente placute si lucruri frumoase...precum cea mai noua perna a mea "Sweet Vintage"
It's made from a vintage towel with red handmade embroidery and the sweetest cotton lace.
Este realizat dintr-un stergar vintage cu o frumoasa broderie rosie de mana si cea mai simpatica dantela de bumbac.
The back is made from cream linen in envelope mode .
Spatele este realizat din in de culoare crem in stilul plic de inchidere.
Hugs, Cristina
I'm joining the party: Ma alatur petrecerii :
DIY by Design
Knick of Time
The Brambleberry Cottage
My Romantic Home
Jennifer Rizzo
French Country Cottage
Shabby Art Boutique
Common Ground
Old Time Farmhouse
P.S. Remember that from 01st of February, my blog will officially become "Shabby Criss" and the link will be while my email adress will become So please modify in your setup, so you wont have problems to follow me.
P.S. Amintitiva ca incepand cu 01 februarie, blogul meu va deveni oficial "Shabby Criss" iar linkul de accesare va fi in timp ce adresa mea de mail va deveni Asa ca va rog sa modificati in setarile voastre, ca sa nu intampinati probleme cand cititi blogul meu.
Knick of Time
The Brambleberry Cottage
My Romantic Home
Jennifer Rizzo
French Country Cottage
Shabby Art Boutique
Common Ground
Old Time Farmhouse
P.S. Remember that from 01st of February, my blog will officially become "Shabby Criss" and the link will be while my email adress will become So please modify in your setup, so you wont have problems to follow me.
P.S. Amintitiva ca incepand cu 01 februarie, blogul meu va deveni oficial "Shabby Criss" iar linkul de accesare va fi in timp ce adresa mea de mail va deveni Asa ca va rog sa modificati in setarile voastre, ca sa nu intampinati probleme cand cititi blogul meu.