polka dot

duminică, 19 august 2012

Concediu shabby chic - episodul 1

Buna seara tuturor!!!!!!!!!!!!
A trecut concediul meu, fulgerator de repede. Eram convinsa ca o sa am timp sa postez pe blog in fiecare zi, si iata ca m-am dezamagit pe mine insami. Dar sa nu credeti ca am stat degeaba zilele acestea, ba dimpotriva m-am intors mai obosita decat eram acum 7 zile.
Sa va povestesc. Am fost creativa :) Am cusut, am vopsit, si iar am cusut si iar am vopsit...
Primul proiect a fost sa transform o veche fereastra din lemn, intr-un dulap shabby chic.

Good evening everybody!!!!!!!!!!!
It passed away my vacation, so quickly. I was convinced that I shall have time to post on blog every day, and i've dissapointed myself. But don't you think that I wasted those days, on the contrary I returned more tired than I was 7 days a go.
Let's tell about! I was creative:) I sewed, I painted, I sewed again and I painted again...
My first project was to transform an old wood window, in a shabby chic cupboard.

Inainte de transformare - o simpla fereastra veche de lemn
Before transformation - a simple old wood window

Dupa transformare - vopsit, cu polita intermediara si plasa de iepuri la usa
After transformation - painted, with intermediate policy and rabbit wire on the door

Ma bate gandul ca fundalul dulapului sa-l creez din panza in ton de culori. Ceva de genul acesta.. Cum vi se pare??
I'm thinking to realise the background of the cupboard with fabric in colors tone. Something like this. What do you tinhk??

Cam atat pentru astazi ! Noapte buna si vise dulci!
That's all for today! Good night and sweet dreams!

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