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duminică, 26 august 2012

Shabby Shopping!

Uneori invidiez pe cei care traiesc in locuri speciale.. Suedia, Anglia, America..dar mai ales America. Ei au acele numite "yard sales" unde poti gasi lucruri absolut fascinante, la preturi exorbitant de mici..
Sometimes I invidy the ones who live in special places.. Suedia, England, America..but the most America. They have those "yard sales" where you can find things absolutely fascinating, on exorbitant small prices..
Week-endul acesta,orasul nostru a gazduit  Targul de Antichitati..
This week-end, our city hosted the Antiques Fair..

Toate bune si frumoase, dar niste preturi......... exagerate..
All well and good, but the prices..........exaggerated..

Mi-a placut acest birou, dar se vanduse deja.. cu 800 de euro.. La pretul acesta, nu multumesc!
I loved this desk, but it was sold already.. with 800 euro.. At this price, no thanks!

Dupa care, am cautat piata de vechituri din oras. Din pacate, in zona asta, vehciturile nu au cautare , astfel ca piata se intinde pe circa 100 mp. Si totusi, am gasit ceva frumuseti..
After that, I searched our town's rubbish market. Unfortunately, in this area, the rubbish has no look, so the market spreads over 100 sq.m. And yet, I found some beauties..


Un tablou , un vechi geamantan si o cutie de biscuiti.. In total de 27 Ron (
circa 6 euro)
A picture, an old suitcase and  box for crackers..In total 27 ron ( about 6 euro)

Inca nu m-am hotarat daca sa vopsesc rama alb, intr-un veritabil stil shabby, sau sa o las asa. Dl. Shabby mi-a recomandat sa las rama asa cum este, dar..ma mai gandesc.
I have not yet decided whether to paint white the frame in a real shabby style , or to let it like this. Mr. Shabby advised me to leave the frame as is, but..I'm still thinking ..

Ma alatur la petrecerea Shabbilicious Friday Link Party ! I'm joiningShabbilicious Friday Link Party  !

2 comentarii:

  1. Hmm... I think I would paint the frame white.
    Thanks for sharing at Shabbilicious Friday.

  2. Hey thanks, Kerryanne! Maybe I'll paint it soon. And I want to say I absolutely love all the things you post on your blog.


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