polka dot

vineri, 11 ianuarie 2013

My sweet little puppies

I think 2013 is the year when most of the people think more to themselves, to health, to beauty, to love , to family, and the list may go on.. Maybe, January is the month when we all put in balance the good and the bad, and we realise that the most important person on the world is ourselves.
Me for example I decided it's time to do an eye control, after so many years of irritated and tired eyes. So yesterday I went to the doctor and now I'm following a treatment and from Monday I'll be carrying glasses .. Not that I would love this...

Cred ca anul 2013 este anul in care majoritatea persoanelor se gandesc mai mult la ei insisi, la sanatate, la frumusete, la iubire, la familie, si lista poate continua.. Poate ca Ianuarie este luna cand toti punem in balanta binele si raul, pentru a realiza ca cea mai importanta persoana de pe pamant suntem noi insisi.
Eu spre exemplu, am decis ca este timpul sa merg la un control oftalmologic , dupa atatia ani de ochi iritati si obositi. Asa ca ieri am mers la doctor si acum urmez un tratament ,iar de luni voi purta ochelari .. Nu ca mi-ar placea acest lucru..

But enough about me.. I would like to present my sweet little puppies with their mother !
Dar destul despre mine .. As vrea sa va prezint catelusii mei draguti cu mama lor ! 

Right after Christmas, the puppies got new owners and friends, but before they leave, me and my family enjoyed their presence, they all were so cute and funny and playful..
Imediat dupa Craciun, catelusii au primit noi stapani si prieteni, dar inainte ca ei sa plece, eu si familia mea ne-am bucurat de prezenta lor, pentru ca sunt atat de draguti si amuzanti si jucausi..

My favourite one - Wasp - my father named her like that because she is full of energy,  and she's the most playful of all..And to me she reminds of her mother when she was of her age..Actually, Wasp is the only puppy that has her mother's traits !
Preferata mea - Viespea - tatal meu a numit-o asa pentru ca este plina de energie si este cea mai jucausa dintre toti..Iar mie imi aminteste de mama ei cand era mica..De fapt, Viespea este singurul catelus care are trasaturile mamei sale !

Arent' they adorable ??
Nu-i asa ca sunt adorabili ??

Hugs, Cristina

3 comentarii:

  1. Vai vai, vai, iti fura inima astia mici si pufosi! Adorabili! Vezi ca tocmai ai primit un premiu: http://meehameeha.blogspot.ro/2013/01/life-is-good.html

  2. Quanto sono belli i tuoi cucciolotti!


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