Dear friends, it was a full week for me and from my point of view, I am far away from the week-end. And tonight I am really exausted...But it's party time!! First I would like to thank you to you, sweet ladies that you have joined my party. It was a honour for me to have you here, encouraging me. And because I am so thankfull to you, I decided to feature you all, so...
Thank you, dear Shelia from Note Songs! All your dolls are simply adorable
Thank you, dear Donna from Donna's Lavender Nest ! I follow with interest your Quilt Block Sampler
Thank you, dear Jann from Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson ! I like all of your posts and I am delighted that you made by yourself this beautiful quilt
And thank you to you,Cara from Pink Stitches ! I love your projects, they are all gorgeous
As I promissed, I will share with you a sewing tip. It's a simple one, and perhaps some of you already knew that.. I'll show you how to make some bias tape, when you don't have a bias making tool and you can not either find the right bias tape as you need..
Step one. Cut a long strip of your fabric (the lenght you need) and double the width you need as in the picture.
Step two. Start folding the edges and iron, helping yourself with your fingers.
Step three. You're done! You have your bias tape from the fabric you needed.
Now let's have some party !!
(P.S. I continue telling to myself that maybe this party it's not such a good idea since I don't have enough time to spend for my blog... What do you think I should do? Going on with the party and hoping to gather sewing enthusiasts someday or should I stop?)
Share your sewing tips with us or tell us about your home. This party is about everything that makes you happy!
Oh, I am so glad to start my own linky party! And what time could be better than Christmas time ?? When we all enjoy spending more time inside of our homes, with our families, maybe crafting or dying something for Chirstimas...
Oh, sunt atat de fericita sa dau startul propriei mele petreceri online ! Si ce moment putea sa fie mai bun decat Craciunul?? Cand toti ne bucuram sa petrecem mai mult timp in casele noastre, cu familiile noastre, poate prelucrand ceva pentru Craciun...
Perhaps you've already seen my party button I added on my sidebar. I called it "Sewing Tips & Home Living Friday"(P.S. I found my button background on Mel's blog from Mel Stampz, she has a lot of gorgeous templates and digital freebies) as I would like to share with you my passion for sewing and for home decorations. I hope this party will be a place where you will love to gather and share your ideas and experiences. It's all about passions, family, homes and most of all is about creating a beautiful life..So feel free to be part of the enjoyment ! And feel free to grab my button on your blog so you can spread the word about the newest linky party born today !
Probabil ati observat deja pe lateralul paginii principale, butonul meu de petrecere. L-am numit "Sfaturi de cusut si Casa de locuit"(P.S. Imaginea de fundal a butonului meu am gasit-o pe blogul lui Mel de la Mel Stampz - ea are o multitudine de imagini superbe) intru-cat as vrea sa impart cu voi pasiunea mea pentru cusut si pentru decoratiunile pentru casa. Sper ca aceasta petrecere sa devina un loc unde sa va faca placere sa va strangeti si sa impartiti ideile voastre si experientele. Este despre pasiuni, familie, casa si mai ales despre crearea unei vieti frumoase... Asa ca simtiti-va liberi sa luati parte la distractie ! Si simtiti-va liberi sa postati butonul meu pe blogul vostru astfel ca sa raspanditi vestea despre cea mai noua petrecere online nascuta astazi !
And as I said first, I will share with you weekly, some sewing projects of my own and here is the first project. I'm making some Christmas tree decorations from red felt..Angels
Si asa cum am zis mai devreme, voi imparti cu voi saptamanal cateva proiecte ale mele de cusut si iata primul proiect. Pregatesc unele decoratiuni pentru bradul de Craciun din fetru rosu..Ingerasi
There are very simple steps to make this cute angels and I'll show you how to do them. First you'll need red felt and an angel pattern. I found mine on Rasberry Collections. Then place your felt fold in double and draw the angel shape then cut out . Sunt cativa pasi foarte simpli pentru a realiza acesti ingerasi draguti si va voi arata cum sa-i faceti. Mai intai va trebuie fetru rosu si un tipar de inger. Eu am gasit pe al meu pe Rasberry Collections.
Then start sewing by hand, a beautiful hand stitch on the edges with white thread. I use to fold thread in four so it becomes more thick. A tip - I NEVER do a knot thread when I hand sew. So what I do is fold the thread double so the final end of the thread become slike a loop. For better understanding, see the next pictures.. Apoi incepeti sa coaseti de mana, realizand o cusatura frumoasa pe margine cu ata alba. Eu folosesc ata in patru fire ca sa devina mai groasa. Un pont - eu NICIODATA nu fac nod la ata cand cos de mana. Asa ca ceea ce fac eu este de indoi ata in doua fire pentru ca terminalul ei sa devina precum un ochi. Pentru a intelege mai bine, priviti urmatoarele fotografii..
When you sew the angel's head, pay attention to insert a ribbon loop as a hanger. When finishing your hand stitch, tye a bow from a delicate ribbon as a belt. And your angel is ready!!
Atunci cand coaseti capul ingerasului, fiti atente sa inserati o agatatoare de panglica. Cand terminati de cusut , legati o funda dintr-o panglicuta delicata sub forma de curea. Si astfel ingerasul vostru este gata!!
Now let's get the party started !!
There are a few rules, so will all enjoy the party, in full respect for each others:
1. It would be nice of you to become a follower of Shabby Criss
2. Link up a specific post and not your entire blog. You can add maximum three posts of yours on each party.
3. Feel free to grab my button and please add my party link on your post so you can spread the word.
4. Your comments make my day so leave your impressions here.
My lovely Anna! I made her several weeks a go, but I didn't had time to take some satisfying pictues. And I am not pretending that this one are good either..
Scumpa mea Anna! Am realizat-o in urma cu cateva saptamani in urma, dar nu am avut timp sa fac niste fotografii satisfacatoare! Si nici nu pretind ca acestea sunt foarte bune..
Anna is entirely made after my own pattern and I used high quality fabrics. And as you see, she wears an elegant hairstyle with white flowers through her braindings.
Anna este realizata in intregime dupa propriul meu tipar si am folosit doar materiale de inalta calitate. Si asa cum vedeti, isi poarta parul intr-o coafura eleganta cu flori albe prin impletituri.